KAIST nanophotonics
Aug 2, 2024
Title: Mid-infrared ultrashort lasers and novel spectroscopic applications
Speaker: Prof. Satoshi Ashihara
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of mid-infrared ultrafast laser technologies, driven by interest in their potential for advanced spectroscopy and attosecond pulse generation. Especially, their unique characteristics such as superior spatial coherence, broad spectral coverage, short temporal duration, controllable waveform, etc. are advantageous for pioneering vibrational spectroscopy and light-matter control.
This presentation will address our recent development of mid-infrared femtosecond sources, namely, mode-locked Cr:ZnS lasers in the 2-micron wavelength [1,2] and a degenerate broadband optical parametric oscillator in the 3-8 micron range [3]. The presentation will also address the application of the developed laser in background-free vibrational spectroscopy [4,5]. Additionally, the possibilities of controlling molecular vibrational and rotational states using shaped mid-infrared pulses for the purpose of chemical reaction control will be discussed.
[1] D. Okazaki, et al., Opt. Exp. 28, 19997 (2020).
[2] T. Kugel, D. Okazaki, K. Arai, and S. Ashihara, Appl. Opt. 61, 1076 (2022).
[3] X. Bu, I. Morichika, and S. Ashihara, The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023), ATh1-03 (2023).
[4] W. Song, D. Okazaki, I. Morichika, and S. Ashihara, Opt. Exp. 30, 38674 (2022).
[5] W. Song, K. Fujiwara, Z. Zhang, I. Morichika, and S. Ashihara, Opt. Lett. 48, pp. 4257 (2023).
[6] I. Morichika, K. Murata, A. Sakurai, K. Ishii, S. Ashihara, Nat. Commun. 10, 3893 (2019).
[7] I. Morichika, H. Tsusaka, and S. Ashihara, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol. 15, pp. 4662-4668 (2024).